Saturday, April 11, 2015

Is My Kid Moving Levels????

A common concern with parents is: 

          Will my child move up a level this year?

              Gymnastics is not like school we do not move up a level simply because it is a new year. If they move up great if they do not, still great.  Some parents see this as a bad thing, is it? No, if your child stays in the same group as a second year they will have the chance to be a leader and help newbies. 

What Factors Do Coaches Think About When Moving Kids?

  •  Age
  • Ability
  • Skills
  • Matureness
  • Scores

            A seven year old level 3 named Sue has all of her level four skills and was top three all year long. This means she is ready for the next year skill wise. She also can compete well with good scores and medals. The level four group has much longer practices. The coaches have noticed that Sue is very fatigued after her level three practice. The coaches choose to keep Sue in level three to work on her stamina and conditioning. Sue will be a year older and the coaches hope she will be more successful in level 4 as an eight year old. Sue will be more mature and stronger. 
                                                                                                  Photo By:

Parents this is not a bad thing. This is a way to keep each kid successful. Gymnasts will progress at their own rate!!


  1. You have a lot of great action shots on your site it really draws your eyes to that article.

  2. That is pretty cool that coaches take quite a lot of different elements into account before moving an individual to another level. I liked the example with Sue, goes to show that skill isn't everything. Nice post.

  3. I like the way you explained that. You made it easy as a parent to understand the how you measure progression.

  4. Man it sounds like this is a very competitive field
